Personal Injury Lien Fees

PI Liens may not be modified in any way with only Imaging Healthcare Specialists lien forms accepted. Our lien form will be provided once scheduled.

PI Liens may not be accepted for service values less than $250. Any services provided under $250 are subject to the One Simple Fee Schedule at the time of service.

Questions regarding PI liens may be directed to:

Phone: 858.888.4479
Fax: 858.863.0154

Current Pricing Per Study

(pricing is subject to change without notice)

Bone Scan
Nuclear Medicine Bone Scan (Approved on a case-by-case basis) $2,275


CT Studies
CT Scan w/o IV contrast $1,075
CT Scan w/ IV contrast $1,425
CT Scan w/wo IV contrast $1,775
MRI Studies
MRA w/o contrast $1,900
MRA w/wo contrast $2,400
MRI w/o contrast $1,900
MRI w/wo contrast $2,400
MRI 3T Brain TBI/DTI w/ Neuroquant w/o contrast $2,400
MRI 3T Brain TBI/DTI w/ Neuroquant w/wo contrast $2,900
MRI arthrogram $2,950
Ultrasound Studies
Ultrasound Venous Extremity $600
X-Ray Studies
X-Ray $250
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